EPD Italy
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Data set: AMPHIBIA 3000 GRIP 1.6 (00.03.000)

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Cradle to gate with options: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, C1, C2, C3, C4, D
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General comment
The data are site-specific data for quantities (raw materials, packaging, waste, energy consumption, distances to suppliers/customers). For the site-specific data, the year 2021 was considered. Data collection was easy as the company is ISO 14001 certified. Generic data extracted from databases were selected on the basis of their geographical, technological and temporal representativeness. The data quality analysis, carried out according to Annex E of the EN 15804:2012+A2:2019, showed a data quality of 'Fair' level or higher. In this work we have allocated between AMPHIBIA 1.6 and 1.3: - the electricity consumption data of the membrane factory. The membrane factory also contains a production line not related to the production of AMPHIBIA. To avoid attributing its consumption to AMPHIBIA products, it was estimated by means of power data and hours of use. The allocations between the different AMPHIBIA thicknesses for the energy consumption attributable to them were then made on a mass basis (kg products); - the waste produced by the production process from the membrane department: raw material and additive waste, EPDM liner (waste from Amphibia) and water/sludge degassing. Waste was allocated on a mass basis (kg produced) for raw material waste and degassing. On the other hand, EPDM sheaths were allocated on a kg basis (waste). Similar allocation was then replicated for waste transport and end-of-life disposal; - The amount of waste common to the two processes related to packaging (waste pots, reels, sacks), allocated on a mass basis (kg produced). Similar allocation was, consequently, replicated for the waste transport and end-of-life disposal; - The amount of ink for printing the AMPHIBIA surface and the solvent used for the cleaning of the printer, allocated on the basis of the m2 products. Within the Ponzano site, there is also another production department (powder and resin department). With this department the following consumptions are in common: - Warehouse electricity: allocated on the basis of quantities produced (kg, not considering waste because it is not stored in the warehouse). The warehouse shares the meter with the offices the meter. In order to extrapolate the energy consumption only of the warehouse, an energy analysis was carried out to estimate the consumption of the electricity vector on the basis of the energy uses (lights, forklifts, etc.) present there. The cut-off criteria are 1 per cent of the renewable and non-renewable primary energy utilisation and 1 per cent of the total mass input of a unit process. The total input flows disregarded per module, e.g. for modules A1-A3, A4-A5, B1-B5, B6-B7, C1-C4 and module D must be a maximum of 5% of energy and mass utilisation. A cut-off (<1% by mass) was made regarding: - Instruction sheet inserted in the packaging - Label attached to the packaging The cut -off for the process unit 'Packaging' was 0.25% for AMPHIBIA 1.6 and 0.24% for AMPHIBIA 1.3, and for both products <5% for module A3.
LCI Method Principle
LCI Method Approaches
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Completeness of product model
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Free of charge for all users and uses
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Technical purpose
The study is carried out for VOLTECO AMPHIBIA products belonging to the company's 'Synthetic Hydro-reactive Membranes' range. AMPHIBIA is composed of a continuous multilayer co-extruded polymer layer, with differentiated functionality for a total watertightness of the underground structures from water infiltration. It is made of 3 layers with differentiated expansive capacity. It is also equipped on the interface that comes into contact with the concrete with a non-woven fabric that allows mechanical adhesion of the membrane to the structure. AMPHIBIA is used for waterproofing and protecting concrete structures built in the subsoil of residential and nonresidential buildings, where intimate and continuous contact between the waterproofing agent and the structure. It can also be used in other structures such as canals, reservoirs, sewage treatment plants, tunnels, and in moisture protection for concrete structures built at ground level such as sub-floor screeds. AMPHIBIA is a pre-cast, water-reactive, self-healing, self-sealing and self-adhering waterproof epdm membrane to concrete. It is composed of a continuous multilayer co-extruded polymeric membrane with differentiated functionality for a total watertightness of underground structures from water infiltration. It is made of 3 layers with differentiated expansion capacity with the following characteristics: - TIGHT BARRIER, watertight layer; - CORE, super-expansive safety layer that is self-sealing and self-repairing even in the event of a puncture; - ACTIVE BARRIER, water-reactive layer with controlled expansion, prevents lateral water migration and seals overlaps. It is also equipped on the interface that comes into contact with the concrete with a non-woven fabric that enables the mechanical adhesion of the membrane to the structure. Main materials and substances in percentage and active ingredient: AMPHIBIA 3000 Grip 1.6 and 1.3: EPDM rubber and calcium carbonate >50%. Main active ingredient AMPHIBIA 1.6 and 1.3: Super-absorbent polymer
Input Products
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Compliance systems
  • EN 15804+A2 (Overall compliance: Fully compliant)
  • ISO 14025 (Overall compliance: Fully compliant)
  • ISO 21930 (Overall compliance: Fully compliant)
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